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As we pass from one phase of our lives into another, we are always confronted with the challenge and pleasure of renewing our surroundings! I can help you!




young shari





shari close up


I have always been interested in putting together beautiful places to sit and think.  Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my mother, who always pointed out the beauty that surrounded us in our home:  a bowl of fruit, the lines of a favorite chair, the color of fabrics, the soft shine of the hardwood floors she so enjoyed in our home and all of nature that was just outside our windows.  We loved our modest surroundings, and were comfortable.  I can still remember so many of the colors used in each room and even the linoleum in the kitchen that Mom waxed.

When I left home for college and beyond, I arranged dorm rooms, rental row houses, apartments and finally, whole houses.  My husband Craig and I moved into our current home and I looked around daunted and overwhelmed with the task of filling in, feathering a nest, keeping it simple and comfortable.  It wasn’t easy sometimes, because you can’t have everything everywhere!  How do we budget to add to what we already had?  Can we agree as a couple on what we will enjoy?   Some things we let go of.  We melded our belongings into one household; many of my family’s things are with me today as are Craig’s, still very much enjoyed. 

In my first career as a legal assistant, along with working in my practice areas, I had an opportunity to gain terrific experience about what kinds of workspaces suit the many different sorts of people who were my colleagues.   As we all have distinct styles of living in our homes, so do we vary in how each of us does our work.



In 2001, I obtained my certificate to consult as an Interior Refiner™, by studying in New York City with Lauri Ward, interior designer and creator of the Use What You Have™ method, and founder of the Interior Refiners Network™, a group of dedicated and talented individuals who work to reveal the best in each client’s home.  Since then, I have had the privilege and pleasure to assist all sorts of people to achieve their vision of what they desire their home to be:  beautiful, comfortable and peaceful.

For more information, please click on the IRN logo to connect you with the Interior Refiners Network website, and read my profile in DC, Virginia or Maryland, then come on back.  Thanks for your interest!

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