Try These:
- Dressing the Table
This is one of many thrift shop finds that I find so much fun. Use a colorful fabric shower curtain for a festive or themed table cloth, either indoors or out. It washes easily in the machine afterwards – really- I put it on the gentle cycle and warm/cool and even tumble dry. Just keep an eye on it – it will dry quickly. This is especially nice if you have children, though a more sophisticated pattern can be gorgeous for any gathering and you can take it outside on the deck or patio too (your “outdoor room”).
- Store Your Jewelry Wherever You Get Dressed
I like to put mine on in the bathroom where there is a big mirror. I keep them in flat shallow drawers sorted by type – all rings, all bracelets, necklaces, etc. You may prefer sorting by type of metal or all pearls together, all stones or whatever. If your bathroom gets steamy, consider finding a jewelry cabinet for the bedroom. Whatever you do, make sure it is easy to find your treasures. This way, you will be sure to wear the beautiful pieces that you’ve had tucked away for a special day. Every day is special, so look in the mirror and smile!
- Cohesive Look in Your Closet!
As all the organizing gurus tell you, give away clothing you don’t wear anymore. Then, with the clothing that’s left, look at the kinds of hangers you are using. Think about investing in a non slip type so you can hang your clothes neatly and easily. Whatever kind of hanger you like to use, have only that kind in your closet. By the way, if you have a lot of clothes that you just cannot part with (moving between sizes, are we?), consider using a thin hanger rather than a wider padded one – those are really nice to use, but if space is at a premium, take a pass on these. Better yet, use them in the guest bedroom closet to make that space a little more luxe for your visitors.
- What is on your Front Door?
Another thrift shop alert: look around for any holiday or seasonal-themed items that can be mounted or attached to your front door. This gives you the opportunity to celebrate the present, and also reminds you to sweep clean, and maintain your steps, portico and threshold on a regular basis
- Here are some examples: use artificial or dried flowers or greenery attached by wire for your door. Write to me if you have questions on how to do this – there are a number of ways. Tape greeting cards relating to the season or theme as well. I also like some seasonal catalog covers. If you have a child, add in a couple of their creations brought from school or as a home project, if you want to go with a “naïf” presentation. You might find a banner or a fabric remnant to mount on the door as well.
- If you have room, you can also place decorations related to your door theme inside or outside your door. Add seasonal baskets around the front door or on the edges of the steps leading into your home. Make sure the pathway to the doorway is clear, however, and that anything you put outside is washable and water resistant if you think precipitation will reach it.
- When it is time to make a change, wash your items and store them away into the same bin for next year.
- Arrange Floppy Flowers
This is the first in a series of tips about purchasing and arranging flowers. I like to place flowers around the house, and I mean anywhere! Right now, I want to focus on those floppy flowers that are not wilted but maybe past new and dewy. You may have purchased them back when quite fresh, or they may have been the last doubtful bunch around while you were hurrying to pick up a little something. Or your 6 year old chose them for you!
- Do this: Cut the stems short, making a shorty bouquet. Depending on your container, cut the stems to between 2 to 5 inches. You can go shorter too! Works great with roses. Just make sure they reach the water in the container. They take the water much more readily into the blossom this way which will enliven them quickly. Low arrangements will not take away the flowers’ beauty or elegance. In fact, a shorty is particularly appropriate for a dinner party, as you want everyone to see each other and not have to dodge the centerpiece! Consider more than one shorty on the table. It is also nice for the bedside, your desk, window sill, near the tv or to say welcome in the guest room.
- Or do this: Dip them completely, including the blossom, into rather cold water. This works especially well with those gorgeous hydrangeas. It is a nice way to make your floppy flowers continue to bring beauty just a little bit longer.

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